Pink Revolution

About me

My road to here

My name is Debora Rodrigues, but to make things easier, I am going to be signing Debbie. I am a 32 year-old Brazilian, born in Rio de Janeiro and living in Belgium.

Throughout my already Balzacian life, I have done a little bit of a lot of things. Starting with ballet just like most little girls, going to studying languages at an early age and at the moment enjoying the adventure of living abroad. Becoming static is not in my dictionary. I love the feeling that personal discovery arises.

One of the things I enjoy doing very much is writing. It all started with reading everything at the reach of the eye (when I read my first word at basic school, I arrived home and the first thing I told mom was: “I can read now. I am not illiterate anymore”. Suddenly, just absorbing people’s idea was not enough again. I had to talk myself. And my words come out easier through paper and pen then from my mouth anyway.

Some years ago, I discovered blogging as a means of expressing myself, touching and being touched by others as well. First, I used to write in my mother tongue about daily things, but it moved to English when I felt I could exchange ideas with more people. As gaming started to play a stronger role in my life and in my activities, it has also become the main topic of the (by now) many blogs I have created (including a humble project in French).

The year of 2007 has been bringing a lot of changes in my professional and private life. I made the decision of working part-time and closer to home. Spending 3 hours a day “on the way” did not compensate anymore. I wanted to sleep more than 4 hours per night and have some sort of life in the weekends instead of dedicating it exclusively to housework. Thanks to this change, I was able to restart doing fitness and I am even learning how to drive to be able to do my driving exam.

This said, one can realize that despite me having more time in my hands, I also gained new activities. My gaming time shrank way much more than I expected and wanted it to.

On the same level, life played some tricks with me and in spite of having to assume that the results were positive, I cannot deny the first shock and the need of time to adapt myself to my “new” reality.

Everything analyzed and together with my way of expressing myself, this blog came to life.

What now?

Barbara Mayo and (BM2) Love Angel are not dead, but I finally feel comfortable (professionally) to sign Debbie Rodrigues without worrying about my job or anything of that matter.

My passion for games hasn’t decreased not even a little. However, there are a lot of other things I would like to talk about. Probably it is a side-effect of being able to be myself, not just a penname or a gamertag.

Here you will read about my personal impressions on daily tasks, the latest news, the hottest gadgets and experiences. I will be taking as many pictures as possible and sharing videos as I make them.

The idea is keeping energy moving here at the same speed and level it is happening in my life in 3D. You will get what I see, taste, experience and learn at work, at home, everywhere, anywhere.

Working together

Even though it is pretty a project for self-satisfaction and personal accomplishment, I would really appreciate to know what those who stop by, think about the material shared here. Do you agree or disagree? What would you like to add? How would you react in the same situation? Have you got a blog your own? Feel free to share.

The magic about blogs is that they are like open books in which anyone can participate. The pace is fast and the feedback, instantaneous.

Let me know what is in your mind too.

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